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Flagstaff, AZ, United States
I'm just a girl that likes to keep up on her favorite topics. :D

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Day 1

I stole this Day by Day from a great friend of mine who can be found at http://matthewrawrr.tumblr.com. He's the most amazing person ever. :)

DAY 1: Something you hate about yourself.

Now, hate is a fairly strong word. I don't particularly HATE anything about myself. If I did, I would change it in order to make myself happy. However, there is something I dislike.

I have this penchant to not do what I tell myself to do. Aka.....

 I can't get myself to do some things no matter how much I tell myself I should. 


1. Getting up when my alarm goes off.
2. Losing weight.
3. Finishing my reading on time.
4. Writing that paper......

and many others, I'm sure. 

Sometimes, this makes me worry about my future.

Anyhow. That is all for today. See you tomorrow.


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