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Flagstaff, AZ, United States
I'm just a girl that likes to keep up on her favorite topics. :D

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Awe of the Library

I am in love with the library.

The kind of love that, when you see it, you can't help but smile.
I walk between the narrow stacks, close my eyes, and revel in the feeling of Knowledge.
I can smell the words, the paper, the history.
All I can hear is the swooshing sound produced by the friction of my jeans and the occasional footsteps.
I see bright flourescent lights illuminating bright and/or faded covers.
The feeling of the hardbacks and the pages has always been endearing to me.
I have a feeling I will be very hesitant to buy a Kindle or anything like it.
I just like the feel of the book too much.

I am constantly in awe in the library.
I am also a little overwhelmed.
I want to check something out but I don't know what I would pick.
There are so many things, most of which are the kind I don't usually read.
I should.... but I don't.

As an English/English Education Major with an intense interest in Literature, you'd think I'd read classics.
Maybe I will pick up something today or tomorrow.
Challenge myself a little.

I'll just go to the front desk and ask,

"How is the library set up?",
"Where can I find (this book)?"

We all know how much I love to talk to strangers. :D


  1. I totally agree! I was in Cline the other day with Will while he was getting some books for class and ended up walking out with 3 of my own on a whim, haha. This was all because I started casually scanning the Psychology section.

    Don't you love it? ;)

  2. I do! So much so that I was thinking, "I want to get married in a library! How cool would that be?"


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