About Me

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Flagstaff, AZ, United States
I'm just a girl that likes to keep up on her favorite topics. :D

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Phases of ..... The MOON!!!!!!!!


Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Awe of the Library

I am in love with the library.

The kind of love that, when you see it, you can't help but smile.
I walk between the narrow stacks, close my eyes, and revel in the feeling of Knowledge.
I can smell the words, the paper, the history.
All I can hear is the swooshing sound produced by the friction of my jeans and the occasional footsteps.
I see bright flourescent lights illuminating bright and/or faded covers.
The feeling of the hardbacks and the pages has always been endearing to me.
I have a feeling I will be very hesitant to buy a Kindle or anything like it.
I just like the feel of the book too much.

I am constantly in awe in the library.
I am also a little overwhelmed.
I want to check something out but I don't know what I would pick.
There are so many things, most of which are the kind I don't usually read.
I should.... but I don't.

As an English/English Education Major with an intense interest in Literature, you'd think I'd read classics.
Maybe I will pick up something today or tomorrow.
Challenge myself a little.

I'll just go to the front desk and ask,

"How is the library set up?",
"Where can I find (this book)?"

We all know how much I love to talk to strangers. :D

Thursday, September 2, 2010

A Chance Encounter

I am sitting in the coffee shop at the library right now.
 A worker who I've never spoken to before was on her break and offered me a seat at her table.
 We talked a bit. She ended up asking my opinion on relationships.
 She has had a best friend for 15 years and wonders if maybe he feels something for her besides friendship.
 I gave her my two (three, four and five) cents about it. 
She thanked me, told me she had never spoken to anyone about it before, and went back to work.

 Does this ever happen to you guys?
 Are you ever confronted by a stranger with their personal problems and help them?
How do you feel about knowing that you have changed that person's life, by chance, for better or worse?
If I had decided to get my coffee somewhere else, who would she have talked to about this?
Would she have ever admitted her feelings by herself?

I hope beyond hope that I helped her for the better.
I pray that her conversation with him this weekend produces something beautiful and meaningful.

I believe that I am here for a reason when these things happen.
