About Me

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Flagstaff, AZ, United States
I'm just a girl that likes to keep up on her favorite topics. :D

Friday, May 27, 2011

Apartment Hunting

We finally have good reason to relax. Everything is totally fine and put together. We won't know if we have been officially approved until next Thursday, but the woman that we have been working with has told me that there is absolutely nothing to worry about. I am so relieved. I am so tired about stressing out about everything.
Also, by this time next week I will be home for the weekend. I am so freaking excited to spend some time with my family. Especially since there is going to be a big, monumental surprise.... :) I'll let you know what the outcome of that is when it happens. Hahah. Anyway. Now all there is to do is relax for a few weeks and then get packing so we can start moving on the 10th!


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Summer Woes

So far, my summer has consisted of apartment searching. My daddy is coming to live with me so we had to find a bigger apartment! Also, I have a friend staying over for the summer because she needs a place to stay while she is working. :) We decided that we should all move in together during the school year, so we looked for a three bedroom apartment. Oh boy, did we find something. The Ridge at Clear Creek is a CRAZY apartment complex. It's brand new and has some bitchin amenities. It IS a little expensive, but oh man is it worth it. The have three jacuzzis, a cyber cafe, crazy awesome gym, two racquetball courts, and SAUNAS IN THE FREAKING BATHROOM. I know. It's seriously insane. The apartments themselves have brand new appliances and washers and dryers IN the apartment. THANK GOD. That was the one thing that I wanted so badly. Anyway. So yeah. I'm super excited. We're getting all of our applications in tomorrow, putting $200 down to permanently hold the apartment while they do all of the checking and stuff, and then hopefully we will know if we got it or not by Friday! I really can't wait. I hope it goes through or my life is going to be hell for a few weeks trying to find something else that won't even compare.

Fingers crossed!

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Busy busy busy have been the words of the month. School is finally just about over! Hurray!! Next, finalizing apartment stuff. If I do not get a call back on Monday from the landlady I am going to be pissed. She's been procrastinating on this for a week now. Gah. Anyway.... not much else is going on. I'm doing a lot of cleaning to get ready for the move. Also, my friend has moved her stuff into my place until her dad can come pick her up Wednesday, so that was a whole other thing to get organized. Hahah.
Until next time,

Monday, May 2, 2011

Late Night Post

Hello friends. It is currently 12:39 am on Monday morning of May 2, 2011. I have just finished editing my final big essay of the semester and I am pooped. It has been a long year, and I can't wait for the summer to start! So many fun things are happening in the coming months! My Christo has his 20th birthday, Jenni is graduating from high school, my father is moving in with me, and then it's time to start all over and get ready for the new school year! I will try to be a better blogger this summer and keep all of you up to date and such with the happenings... I might even post PICTURES!!! I know, crazy, huh? Hahah. I hope you are all doing well and I can't wait to take you on all of my epic summer adventures!

Sweet Dreams,


P.S. Sorry for overwhelming you with so many exclamation points. As I mentioned, it is late, and I am far too hyper from my sleepiness. :)